Translating pretalx

pretalx has been translated to other languages, and what’s more – you can use pretalx in several languages for your event, which helps you to be accessible to a diverse range of people. To make this work, the pretalx interfaces need to be translated, too.

Translations are community-sourced, and everybody is invited to help and make them more complete, improve phrasing, or even add new languages! You can do this on our translation platform at

Official and unofficial languages

Translations of pretalx are divided into official and unofficial languages.

Official languages

are translated and maintained by the core team behind pretalx or as part of long-term partnerships. We are committed to keeping these translations up-to-date with new features or changes in pretalx and try to offer support in this language. Currently, only English and German are available as official languages. If you are interested in maintaining an official translation, please get in touch with us.

Unofficial languages

are contributed and maintained by the community. We ship them with pretalx so you can use them, but we cannot guarantee that new or changed features in pretalx will be translated in time for a new release. Since we probably don’t speak the language in question, we cannot guarantee that the translations are correct.

All translations marked as unofficial community translations will offered with a note of how many percent of pretalx they cover. You can see the current status that will be included in the next release here:

New languages will be included in the next release if they cover at least 75% of pretalx, though we won’t immediately remove languages that fall below this threshold.

Translating pretalx

If you visit for the first time, it will look a bit bare.

Once you create an account – please do this by signing in with GitHub, as we’re planning to deprecate email login – you can look at and edit translations.

First off, take care to change your preferences so that you’ll be presented with the languages you want to translate. You can do this in your profile settings, which you can find when clicking your profile picture in the upper right.

Then, click through the missing translations for your language by going to the pretalx project dashboard. You can add new translations by clicking on the “Strings needing action” link for your language.

In the translate view, you can input your translation for a given source string. If you’re unsure about your translation, you can also just “Suggest” it or mark it as “Needs editing”. If you have no idea, just “Skip”. If you scroll down, there is also a “Comments” section to discuss any questions with fellow translators or us developers (though as noted above, we are unlikely to be able to help with unofficial languages).

Updating translations

New or changed translations are not visible in pretalx immediately. We update the translations in the development version of pretalx regularly (roughly weekly), and also before every new release.

If you want to see your translations in pretalx, you can either wait for the next release, or you can install the development version of pretalx in production, or set up a local development environment.