Source code for pretalx.submission.models.type

from django.db import models
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from i18nfield.fields import I18nCharField

from pretalx.common.mixins.models import PretalxModel
from pretalx.common.urls import EventUrls

def pleasing_number(number):
    if int(number) == number:
        return int(number)
    return number

[docs] class SubmissionType(PretalxModel): """Each :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.submission.Submission` has one SubmissionType. SubmissionTypes are used to group submissions by default duration (which can be overridden on a per-submission basis), and to be able to offer different deadlines for some parts of the :class:`~pretalx.event.models.event.Event`. """ event = models.ForeignKey( to="event.Event", related_name="submission_types", on_delete=models.CASCADE ) name = I18nCharField(max_length=100, verbose_name=_("name")) default_duration = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=30, verbose_name=_("default duration"), help_text=_("Default duration in minutes"), ) deadline = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Deadline"), help_text=_( "If you want a different deadline than the global deadline for this session type, enter it here." ), ) requires_access_code = models.BooleanField( verbose_name=_("Requires access code"), help_text=_( "This session type will only be shown to submitters with a matching access code." ), default=False, ) class urls(EventUrls): base = edit = "{self.event.cfp.urls.types}{}/" default = "{base}default" delete = "{base}delete" prefilled_cfp = "{self.event.cfp.urls.public}?submission_type={self.slug}" def __str__(self) -> str: """Used in choice drop downs.""" if not self.default_duration: return str( if self.default_duration > 60 * 24: return _("{name} ({duration} days)").format(, duration=pleasing_number(round(self.default_duration / 60 / 24, 1)), ) if self.default_duration > 90: return _("{name} ({duration} hours)").format(, duration=pleasing_number(round(self.default_duration / 60, 1)), ) return _("{name} ({duration} minutes)").format(, duration=self.default_duration ) @property def slug(self) -> str: """The slug makes tracks more readable in URLs. It consists of the ID, followed by a slugified (and, in lookups, optional) form of the submission type name. """ return f"{}-{slugify(}"
[docs] def update_duration(self): """Updates the duration of all. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` objects of :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.submission.Submission` objects of this type. Runs only for submissions that do not override their default duration. Should be called whenever ``duration`` changes. """ for submission in self.submissions.filter(duration__isnull=True): submission.update_duration()
update_duration.alters_data = True