Source code for pretalx.submission.models.submission

import copy
import datetime as dt
import json
import statistics
from itertools import repeat

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.files import FieldFile
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import override, pgettext_lazy
from django_scopes import ScopedManager

from pretalx.common.exceptions import SubmissionError
from pretalx.common.models.choices import Choices
from pretalx.common.models.mixins import GenerateCode, PretalxModel
from pretalx.common.text.path import path_with_hash
from pretalx.common.text.phrases import phrases
from pretalx.common.text.serialize import serialize_duration
from pretalx.common.urls import EventUrls
from pretalx.submission.signals import submission_state_change

def generate_invite_code(length=32):
    return get_random_string(length=length, allowed_chars=Submission._code_charset)

def submission_image_path(instance, filename):
    return path_with_hash(
        filename, base_path=f"{instance.event.slug}/submissions/{instance.code}/"

class SubmissionStates(Choices):
    SUBMITTED = "submitted"
    ACCEPTED = "accepted"
    REJECTED = "rejected"
    CONFIRMED = "confirmed"
    CANCELED = "canceled"
    WITHDRAWN = "withdrawn"
    DELETED = "deleted"
    DRAFT = "draft"

    display_values = {
        SUBMITTED: pgettext_lazy("proposal status", "submitted"),
        ACCEPTED: _("accepted"),
        CONFIRMED: _("confirmed"),
        REJECTED: _("rejected"),
        CANCELED: _("canceled"),
        WITHDRAWN: _("withdrawn"),
        DELETED: _("deleted"),
        DRAFT: _("draft"),
    valid_choices = [(key, value) for key, value in display_values.items()]

    valid_next_states = {
        DELETED: (),
        DRAFT: (SUBMITTED,),

    method_names = {
        SUBMITTED: "make_submitted",
        REJECTED: "reject",
        ACCEPTED: "accept",
        CONFIRMED: "confirm",
        CANCELED: "cancel",
        WITHDRAWN: "withdraw",
        DELETED: "remove",

    accepted_states = (ACCEPTED, CONFIRMED)

    def get_color(state):
        return {
            SubmissionStates.SUBMITTED: "--color-info",
            SubmissionStates.ACCEPTED: "--color-success",
            SubmissionStates.CONFIRMED: "--color-success",
            SubmissionStates.REJECTED: "--color-danger",
        }.get(state, "--color-grey")

class SubmissionManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return (

class DeletedSubmissionManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return super().get_queryset().filter(state=SubmissionStates.DELETED)

class AllSubmissionManager(models.Manager):

[docs] class Submission(GenerateCode, PretalxModel): """Submissions are, next to :class:`~pretalx.event.models.event.Event`, the central model in pretalx. A submission, which belongs to exactly one event, can have multiple speakers and a lot of other related data, such as a :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.type.SubmissionType`, a :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.track.Track`, multiple :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.question.Answer` objects, and so on. :param code: The unique alphanumeric identifier used to refer to a submission. :param state: The submission can be 'submitted', 'accepted', 'confirmed', 'rejected', 'withdrawn', or 'canceled'. State changes should be done via the corresponding methods, like ``accept()``. The ``SubmissionStates`` class comes with a ``method_names`` dictionary for method lookup. :param image: An image illustrating the talk or topic. :param review_code: A token used in secret URLs giving read-access to the submission. """ code = models.CharField(max_length=16, unique=True) speakers = models.ManyToManyField( to="person.User", related_name="submissions", blank=True ) event = models.ForeignKey( to="event.Event", on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="submissions" ) title = models.CharField(max_length=200, verbose_name=_("Proposal title")) submission_type = models.ForeignKey( # Reasonable default must be set in form/view to="submission.SubmissionType", related_name="submissions", on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_("Session type"), ) track = models.ForeignKey( to="submission.Track", related_name="submissions", on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_("Track"), null=True, blank=True, ) tags = models.ManyToManyField( to="submission.Tag", related_name="submissions", verbose_name=_("Tags"), ) state = models.CharField( max_length=SubmissionStates.get_max_length(), choices=SubmissionStates.get_choices(), default=SubmissionStates.SUBMITTED, verbose_name=_("Proposal state"), ) pending_state = models.CharField( null=True, blank=True, max_length=SubmissionStates.get_max_length(), choices=SubmissionStates.get_choices(), default=None, verbose_name=_("Pending proposal state"), ) abstract = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Abstract"), help_text=phrases.base.use_markdown, ) description = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Description"), help_text=phrases.base.use_markdown, ) notes = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Notes"), help_text=_( "These notes are meant for the organiser and won’t be made public." ), ) internal_notes = models.TextField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Internal notes"), help_text=_( "Internal notes for other organisers/reviewers. Not visible to the speakers or the public." ), ) duration = models.PositiveIntegerField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Duration"), help_text=_("The duration in minutes."), ) slot_count = models.IntegerField( default=1, verbose_name=_("Slot Count"), help_text=_("How many times this session will take place."), validators=[MinValueValidator(1)], ) content_locale = models.CharField( max_length=32, default=settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, verbose_name=_("Language"), ) is_featured = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_("Show this session in public list of featured sessions."), ) do_not_record = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name=_("Don’t record this session.") ) image = models.ImageField( null=True, blank=True, upload_to=submission_image_path, verbose_name=_("Session image"), help_text=_("Use this if you want an illustration to go with your proposal."), ) invitation_token = models.CharField(max_length=32, default=generate_invite_code) access_code = models.ForeignKey( to="submission.SubmitterAccessCode", related_name="submissions", on_delete=models.PROTECT, null=True, blank=True, ) review_code = models.CharField( max_length=32, unique=True, null=True, blank=True, default=generate_invite_code ) anonymised_data = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True, default="{}") assigned_reviewers = models.ManyToManyField( verbose_name=_("Assigned reviewers"), to="person.User", related_name="assigned_reviews", blank=True, ) objects = ScopedManager(event="event", _manager_class=SubmissionManager) deleted_objects = ScopedManager( event="event", _manager_class=DeletedSubmissionManager ) all_objects = ScopedManager(event="event", _manager_class=AllSubmissionManager) class urls(EventUrls): user_base = "{self.event.urls.user_submissions}{self.code}/" withdraw = "{user_base}withdraw" discard = "{user_base}discard" confirm = "{user_base}confirm" public_base = "{self.event.urls.base}talk/{self.code}" public = "{public_base}/" feedback = "{public}feedback/" social_image = "{public}og-image" ical = "{public_base}.ics" image = "{self.image_url}" invite = "{user_base}invite" accept_invitation = ( "{self.event.urls.base}invitation/{self.code}/{self.invitation_token}" ) review = "{self.event.urls.base}talk/review/{self.review_code}" class orga_urls(EventUrls): base = edit = "{self.event.orga_urls.submissions}{self.code}/" make_submitted = "{base}submit" accept = "{base}accept" reject = "{base}reject" confirm = "{base}confirm" delete = "{base}delete" withdraw = "{base}withdraw" cancel = "{base}cancel" speakers = "{base}speakers/" delete_speaker = "{speakers}delete" reviews = "{base}reviews/" feedback = "{base}feedback/" toggle_featured = "{base}toggle_featured" anonymise = "{base}anonymise/" quick_schedule = "{self.event.orga_urls.schedule}quick/{self.code}/" @property def image_url(self): return self.image.url if self.image else "" @cached_property def cfp_open(self): deadline = self.submission_type.deadline or self.event.cfp.deadline return (not deadline) or now() <= deadline @cached_property def editable(self): if self.state == SubmissionStates.SUBMITTED: return self.cfp_open or ( self.event.active_review_phase and self.event.active_review_phase.speakers_can_change_submissions ) if self.state == SubmissionStates.DRAFT: return self.cfp_open return self.state in SubmissionStates.accepted_states @property def anonymised(self): try: result = json.loads(self.anonymised_data) except Exception: result = None if not result or not isinstance(result, dict): return {} return result @property def is_anonymised(self): if self.anonymised: return self.anonymised.get("_anonymised", False) return False @property def reviewer_answers(self): return self.answers.filter(question__is_visible_to_reviewers=True).order_by( "question__position" )
[docs] def get_duration(self) -> int: """Returns this submission's duration in minutes. Falls back to the :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.type.SubmissionType`'s default duration if none is set on the submission. """ if self.duration is None: return self.submission_type.default_duration return self.duration
[docs] def update_duration(self): """Apply the submission's duration to its currently scheduled. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot`. Should be called whenever the duration changes. """ for slot in self.event.wip_schedule.talks.filter( submission=self, start__isnull=False ): slot.end = slot.start + dt.timedelta(minutes=self.get_duration())
update_duration.alters_data = True def save(self, *args, **kwargs): is_creating = not super().save(*args, **kwargs) if is_creating and not self.state == SubmissionStates.DRAFT: submission_state_change.send_robust( self.event, submission=self, old_state=None, user=None, ) def update_review_scores(self): """Apply the submission's calculated review scores. Should be called whenever the tracks of a submission change. """ for review in def _set_state(self, new_state, force=False, person=None): """Check if the new state is valid for this Submission (based on SubmissionStates.valid_next_states). If yes, set it and save the object. if no, raise a SubmissionError with a helpful message. """ valid_next_states = SubmissionStates.valid_next_states.get(self.state, []) if self.state == new_state: self.pending_state = None["state", "pending_state"]) self.update_talk_slots() return if force or new_state in valid_next_states: old_state = self.state self.state = new_state self.pending_state = None if new_state in ( SubmissionStates.REJECTED, SubmissionStates.DELETED, SubmissionStates.CANCELED, SubmissionStates.WITHDRAWN, ): self.is_featured = False["state", "pending_state"]) self.update_talk_slots() submission_state_change.send_robust( self.event, submission=self, old_state=old_state if old_state != SubmissionStates.DRAFT else None, user=person, ) else: source_states = ( src for src, dsts in SubmissionStates.valid_next_states.items() if new_state in dsts ) # build an error message mentioning all states, which are valid source states for the desired new state. trans_or = pgettext_lazy( 'used in talk confirm/accept/reject/...-errors, like "... must be accepted OR foo OR bar ..."', " or ", ) state_names = dict(SubmissionStates.get_choices()) source_states = trans_or.join( str(state_names[state]) for state in source_states ) raise SubmissionError( _( "Proposal must be {src_states} not {state} to be {new_state}." ).format( src_states=source_states, state=self.state, new_state=new_state ) )
[docs] def update_talk_slots(self): """Makes sure the correct amount of. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` objects exists. After an update or state change, talk slots should either be all deleted, or all created, or the number of talk slots might need to be adjusted. """ from pretalx.schedule.models import TalkSlot scheduling_allowed = ( self.state in SubmissionStates.accepted_states or self.pending_state in SubmissionStates.accepted_states ) if not scheduling_allowed: TalkSlot.objects.filter( submission=self, schedule=self.event.wip_schedule ).delete() return slot_count_current = TalkSlot.objects.filter( submission=self, schedule=self.event.wip_schedule, ).count() diff = slot_count_current - self.slot_count if diff > 0: # We build a list of all IDs to delete as .delete() doesn't work on sliced querysets. # We delete unscheduled talks first. talks_to_delete = ( TalkSlot.objects.filter( submission=self, schedule=self.event.wip_schedule, ) .order_by("start", "room", "is_visible")[:diff] .values_list("id", flat=True) ) TalkSlot.objects.filter(pk__in=list(talks_to_delete)).delete() elif diff < 0: for __ in repeat(None, abs(diff)): TalkSlot.objects.create( submission=self, schedule=self.event.wip_schedule, ) TalkSlot.objects.filter( submission=self, schedule=self.event.wip_schedule ).update(is_visible=self.state == SubmissionStates.CONFIRMED)
update_talk_slots.alters_data = True def send_initial_mails(self, person): from pretalx.mail.models import MailTemplateRoles template = self.event.get_mail_template(MailTemplateRoles.NEW_SUBMISSION) template_text = copy.deepcopy(template.text) locale = self.get_email_locale(person.locale) with override(locale): if "{full_submission_content}" not in str(template.text): template.text = ( str(template.text) + "\n\n\n***********\n\n" + str(_("Full proposal content:\n\n") + "{full_submission_content}") ) template.to_mail( user=person, event=self.event, context_kwargs={ "user": person, "submission": self, }, context={ "full_submission_content": self.get_content_for_mail(), }, skip_queue=True, commit=True, # Send immediately, but save a record locale=self.get_email_locale(person.locale), ) template.refresh_from_db() if template.text != template_text: template.text = template_text if self.event.mail_settings["mail_on_new_submission"]: self.event.get_mail_template( MailTemplateRoles.NEW_SUBMISSION_INTERNAL ).to_mail(, event=self.event, context_kwargs={ "user": person, "submission": self, }, context={"orga_url": self.orga_urls.base.full()}, skip_queue=True, commit=False, # Send immediately, don't save a record locale=self.event.locale, )
[docs] def make_submitted( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = False, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'submitted'.""" previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.SUBMITTED, force, person=person) if previous == SubmissionStates.DRAFT and person: self.send_initial_mails(person=person) else: self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.make_submitted", person=person, orga=orga, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, )
make_submitted.alters_data = True
[docs] def confirm( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = False, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'confirmed'.""" previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.CONFIRMED, force, person=person) self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.confirm", person=person, orga=orga, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, )
confirm.alters_data = True
[docs] def accept( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = True, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'accepted'. Creates an acceptance :class:`~pretalx.mail.models.QueuedMail` unless the submission was previously confirmed. """ previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.ACCEPTED, force, person=person) self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.accept", person=person, orga=True, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, ) if previous not in (SubmissionStates.ACCEPTED, SubmissionStates.CONFIRMED): self.send_state_mail()
accept.alters_data = True
[docs] def reject( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = True, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'rejected' and creates a rejection. :class:`~pretalx.mail.models.QueuedMail`. """ previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.REJECTED, force, person=person) self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.reject", person=person, orga=True, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, ) if previous != SubmissionStates.REJECTED: self.send_state_mail()
reject.alters_data = True def apply_pending_state(self, person=None, force: bool = False): if not self.pending_state: return if self.pending_state == self.state: self.pending_state = None return getattr(self, SubmissionStates.method_names[self.pending_state])( force=force, person=person, from_pending=True ) apply_pending_state.alters_data = True def get_email_locale(self, fallback=None): if self.content_locale in self.event.locales: return self.content_locale if fallback and fallback in self.event.locales: return fallback return self.event.locale def get_content_locale_display(self): return str(dict(self.event.named_content_locales)[self.content_locale]) def send_state_mail(self): from pretalx.mail.models import MailTemplateRoles if self.state == SubmissionStates.ACCEPTED: template = self.event.get_mail_template(MailTemplateRoles.SUBMISSION_ACCEPT) elif self.state == SubmissionStates.REJECTED: template = self.event.get_mail_template(MailTemplateRoles.SUBMISSION_REJECT) else: return for speaker in self.speakers.all(): template.to_mail( user=speaker, locale=self.get_email_locale(speaker.locale), context_kwargs={"submission": self, "user": speaker}, event=self.event, ) send_state_mail.alters_data = True
[docs] def cancel( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = True, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'canceled'.""" previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.CANCELED, force, person=person) self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.cancel", person=person, orga=True, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, )
cancel.alters_data = True
[docs] def withdraw( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = False, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'withdrawn'.""" previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.WITHDRAWN, force, person=person) self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.withdraw", person=person, orga=orga, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, )
withdraw.alters_data = True def remove( self, person=None, force: bool = False, orga: bool = True, from_pending: bool = False, ): """Sets the submission's state to 'deleted'.""" previous = self.state self._set_state(SubmissionStates.DELETED, force, person=person) for answer in self.answers.all(): answer.remove(person=person, force=force) self.log_action( "pretalx.submission.deleted", person=person, orga=True, data={"previous": previous, "from_pending": from_pending}, ) remove.alters_data = True def delete(self, force: bool = False, **kwargs): if self.state != SubmissionStates.DRAFT and not force: raise SubmissionError( "Submission is not in draft mode and cannot be deleted completely. Set the deleted flag instead." ) self.answers.all().delete() self.resources.all().delete() super().delete(**kwargs) @cached_property def integer_uuid(self): # For import into Engelsystem, we need to somehow convert our submission code into an unique integer. Luckily, # codes can contain 34 different characters (including compatibility with frab imported data) and normally have # 6 charactes. Since log2(34 **6) == 30.52, that just fits in to a positive 32-bit signed integer (that # Engelsystem expects), if we do it correctly. charset = self._code_charset + [ "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "0", ] # compatibility with imported frab data base = len(charset) table = {char: cp for cp, char in enumerate(charset)} intval = 0 for char in self.code: intval *= base intval += table[char] return intval @cached_property def slot(self): """The first scheduled :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` of this submission in the current. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.schedule.Schedule`. Note that this slot is not guaranteed to be visible. """ return ( self.event.current_schedule.talks.filter(submission=self) .select_related("room", "submission", "submission__event") .first() if self.event.current_schedule else None ) @cached_property def current_slots(self): if not self.event.current_schedule: return None return self.event.current_schedule.talks.filter( submission=self, is_visible=True ).select_related("room") @cached_property def public_slots(self): """All publicly visible :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` objects of this submission in the current. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.schedule.Schedule`. """ from pretalx.agenda.permissions import is_agenda_visible if not is_agenda_visible(None, self.event): return [] return self.current_slots @cached_property def display_speaker_names(self): """Helper method for a consistent speaker name display.""" return ", ".join(speaker.get_display_name() for speaker in self.speakers.all()) @cached_property def display_title_with_speakers(self): title = ( f"{phrases.base.quotation_open}{self.title}{phrases.base.quotation_close}" ) if not self.speakers.exists(): return title return _("{title_in_quotes} by {list_of_speakers}").format( title_in_quotes=title, list_of_speakers=self.display_speaker_names, ) @cached_property def does_accept_feedback(self): slot = self.slot if slot and slot.start: return slot.start < now() return False @cached_property def median_score(self): scores = [ review.score for review in if review.score is not None ] return statistics.median(scores) if scores else None @cached_property def mean_score(self): scores = [ review.score for review in if review.score is not None ] return round(statistics.fmean(scores), 1) if scores else None @cached_property def score_categories(self): track = self.track track_filter = models.Q(limit_tracks__isnull=True) if track: track_filter |= models.Q(limit_tracks__in=[track]) return self.event.score_categories.filter(track_filter, active=True).order_by( "id" ) @cached_property def active_resources(self): return self.resources.filter( models.Q( # either the resource exists ~models.Q(resource="") & models.Q(resource__isnull=False) & ~models.Q(resource="None") ) | models.Q( models.Q(link__isnull=False) & ~models.Q(link="") ) # or the link exists ).order_by("link") @property def is_deleted(self): return self.state == SubmissionStates.DELETED @property def user_state(self): if self.state == SubmissionStates.SUBMITTED and not self.cfp_open: return "review" return self.state def __str__(self): """Help when debugging.""" return f"Submission(event={self.event.slug}, code={self.code}, title={self.title}, state={self.state})" @cached_property def export_duration(self): return serialize_duration(minutes=self.get_duration()) @cached_property def speaker_profiles(self): from pretalx.person.models.profile import SpeakerProfile return SpeakerProfile.objects.filter( event=self.event, user__in=self.speakers.all() ) @property def availabilities(self): """The intersection of all. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.availability.Availability` objects of all speakers of this submission. """ from pretalx.schedule.models.availability import Availability all_availabilities = self.event.availabilities.filter( person__in=self.speaker_profiles ) return Availability.intersection(all_availabilities) def get_content_for_mail(self): order = [ "title", "abstract", "description", "notes", "duration", "content_locale", "do_not_record", "image", ] data = [] result = "" for field in order: field_content = getattr(self, field, None) if field_content: _field = self._meta.get_field(field) field_name = _field.verbose_name or data.append({"name": field_name, "value": field_content}) for answer in self.answers.all().order_by("question__position"): if answer.question.variant == "boolean": data.append( {"name": answer.question.question, "value": answer.boolean_answer} ) elif answer.answer_file: data.append( {"name": answer.question.question, "value": answer.answer_file} ) else: data.append( {"name": answer.question.question, "value": answer.answer or "-"} ) for content in data: field_name = content["name"] field_content = content["value"] if isinstance(field_content, bool): field_content = _("Yes") if field_content else _("No") elif isinstance(field_content, FieldFile): field_content = ( self.event.custom_domain or settings.SITE_URL ) + field_content.url result += f"**{field_name}**: {field_content}\n\n" return result def add_speaker(self, email, name=None, locale=None, user=None): from pretalx.common.urls import build_absolute_uri from pretalx.mail.models import MailTemplateRoles from pretalx.person.models import SpeakerProfile, User from import create_user user_created = False context = {} try: speaker = User.objects.get(email__iexact=email) if not speaker.profiles.filter(event=self.event).exists(): SpeakerProfile.objects.create(user=speaker, event=self.event) except User.DoesNotExist: speaker = create_user(email=email, name=name, event=self.event) user_created = True context["invitation_link"] = build_absolute_uri( "cfp:event.new_recover", kwargs={"event": self.event.slug, "token": speaker.pw_reset_token}, ) self.speakers.add(speaker) self.log_action("pretalx.submission.speakers.add", person=user, orga=True) context["user"] = speaker template = self.event.get_mail_template( MailTemplateRoles.EXISTING_SPEAKER_INVITE if not user_created else MailTemplateRoles.NEW_SPEAKER_INVITE ) template.to_mail( user=speaker, event=self.event, context=context, context_kwargs={"user": speaker, "submission": self, "event": self.event}, locale=locale or self.event.locale, ) return speaker def send_invite(self, to, _from=None, subject=None, text=None): from pretalx.mail.models import QueuedMail if not _from and (not subject or not text): raise Exception("Please enter a sender for this invitation.") subject = subject or phrases.cfp.invite_subject.format( speaker=_from.get_display_name() ) subject = f"[{self.event.slug}] {subject}" text = text or phrases.cfp.invite_text.format(, title=self.title, url=self.urls.accept_invitation.full(), speaker=_from.get_display_name(), ) to = to.split(",") if isinstance(to, str) else to for invite in to: QueuedMail( event=self.event, to=invite, subject=subject, text=text, locale=self.get_email_locale(), ).send() send_invite.alters_data = True def add_favourite(self, user): SubmissionFavourite.objects.get_or_create(user=user, submission=self) def remove_favourite(self, user): SubmissionFavourite.objects.filter(user=user, submission=self).delete()
class SubmissionFavourite(PretalxModel): user = models.ForeignKey( to="person.User", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="submission_favourites", ) submission = models.ForeignKey( to="submission.Submission", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="favourites", ) objects = ScopedManager(event="submission__event") class Meta: unique_together = (("user", "submission"),)