Source code for pretalx.schedule.models.schedule

from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from contextlib import suppress
from urllib.parse import quote

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.utils import DatabaseError
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from i18nfield.fields import I18nTextField

from pretalx.agenda.tasks import export_schedule_html
from pretalx.common.models.mixins import PretalxModel
from pretalx.common.text.phrases import phrases
from pretalx.common.urls import EventUrls
from pretalx.schedule.notifications import render_notifications
from pretalx.schedule.signals import schedule_release

[docs] class Schedule(PretalxModel): """The Schedule model contains all scheduled. :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` objects (visible or not) for a schedule release for an :class:`~pretalx.event.models.event.Event`. :param published: ``None`` if the schedule has not been published yet. """ event = models.ForeignKey( to="event.Event", on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="schedules" ) version = models.CharField( max_length=190, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=pgettext_lazy("Version of the conference schedule", "Version"), ) published = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) comment = I18nTextField( null=True, blank=True, help_text=_("This text will be shown in the public changelog and the RSS feed.") + " " + phrases.base.use_markdown, ) class Meta: ordering = ("-published",) unique_together = (("event", "version"),) class urls(EventUrls): public = "{self.event.urls.schedule}v/{self.url_version}/" widget_data = "{public}widgets/schedule.json" nojs = "{public}nojs"
[docs] @transaction.atomic def freeze( self, name: str, user=None, notify_speakers: bool = True, comment: str = None ): """Releases the current WIP schedule as a fixed schedule version. :param name: The new schedule name. May not be in use in this event, and cannot be 'wip' or 'latest'. :param user: The :class:`~pretalx.person.models.user.User` initiating the freeze. :param notify_speakers: Should notification emails for speakers with changed slots be generated? :param comment: Public comment for the release :rtype: Schedule """ from pretalx.schedule.models import TalkSlot from pretalx.submission.models import SubmissionStates if name in ("wip", "latest"): raise Exception(f'Cannot use reserved name "{name}" for schedule version.') if self.version: raise Exception( f'Cannot freeze schedule version: already versioned as "{self.version}".' ) if not name: raise Exception("Cannot create schedule version without a version name.") self.version = name self.comment = comment self.published = now() # Create WIP schedule first, to avoid race conditions wip_schedule = Schedule.objects.create(event=self.event)["published", "version", "comment"]) self.log_action("pretalx.schedule.release", person=user, orga=True) # Set visibility self.talks.all().update(is_visible=False) self.talks.filter( models.Q(submission__state=SubmissionStates.CONFIRMED) | models.Q(submission__isnull=True), start__isnull=False, ).update(is_visible=True) talks = [] for talk in self.talks.select_related("submission", "room").all(): talks.append(talk.copy_to_schedule(wip_schedule, save=False)) TalkSlot.objects.bulk_create(talks) if notify_speakers: self.generate_notifications(save=True) with suppress(AttributeError): del wip_schedule.event.wip_schedule with suppress(AttributeError): del wip_schedule.event.current_schedule schedule_release.send_robust(self.event, schedule=self, user=user) if self.event.get_feature_flag("export_html_on_release"): if settings.HAS_CELERY: export_schedule_html.apply_async( kwargs={"event_id":}, ignore_result=True ) else: self.event.cache.set("rebuild_schedule_export", True, None) return self, wip_schedule
freeze.alters_data = True
[docs] @transaction.atomic def unfreeze(self, user=None): """Resets the current WIP schedule to an older schedule version.""" from pretalx.schedule.models import TalkSlot if not self.version: raise Exception("Cannot unfreeze schedule version: not released yet.") # collect all talks, which have been added since this schedule (#72) submission_ids = self.talks.all().values_list("submission_id", flat=True) talks = self.event.wip_schedule.talks.exclude(submission_id__in=submission_ids) try: talks = list( talks.union(self.talks.all()) ) # We force evaluation to catch the DatabaseError early except DatabaseError: # SQLite cannot deal with ordered querysets in union() talks = set(talks) | set(self.talks.all()) wip_schedule = Schedule.objects.create(event=self.event) new_talks = [] for talk in talks: new_talks.append(talk.copy_to_schedule(wip_schedule, save=False)) TalkSlot.objects.bulk_create(new_talks) self.event.wip_schedule.talks.all().delete() self.event.wip_schedule.delete() with suppress(AttributeError): del wip_schedule.event.wip_schedule return self, wip_schedule
unfreeze.alters_data = True @cached_property def scheduled_talks(self): """Returns all :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` objects that have been scheduled and are visible in the schedule (that is, have been confirmed at the time of release).""" from pretalx.submission.models import SubmissionStates return ( self.talks.select_related( "submission", "submission__event", "room", ) .filter( room__isnull=False, start__isnull=False, is_visible=True, submission__isnull=False, ) .exclude(submission__state=SubmissionStates.DELETED) ) @cached_property def breaks(self): return self.talks.select_related("room").filter(submission__isnull=True) @cached_property def slots(self): """Returns all. :class:`~pretalx.submission.models.submission.Submission` objects with :class:`~pretalx.schedule.models.slot.TalkSlot` objects in this schedule. """ from pretalx.submission.models import Submission return Submission.objects.filter( id__in=self.scheduled_talks.values_list("submission", flat=True) ) @cached_property def previous_schedule(self): """Returns the schedule released before this one, if any.""" queryset = self.event.schedules.exclude( if self.published: queryset = queryset.filter(published__lt=self.published) return queryset.order_by("-published").first() def _handle_submission_move(self, submission, old_slots, new_slots): new = [] canceled = [] moved = [] all_old_slots = [ slot for slot in old_slots.values() if slot.submission_id == ] all_new_slots = [ slot for slot in new_slots.values() if slot.submission_id == ] old_slots = [ slot for slot in all_old_slots if not any(slot.is_same_slot(other_slot) for other_slot in all_new_slots) ] new_slots = [ slot for slot in all_new_slots if not any(slot.is_same_slot(other_slot) for other_slot in all_old_slots) ] diff = len(old_slots) - len(new_slots) if diff > 0: canceled = old_slots[:diff] old_slots = old_slots[diff:] elif diff < 0: diff = -diff new = new_slots[:diff] new_slots = new_slots[diff:] for move in zip(old_slots, new_slots): old_slot = move[0] new_slot = move[1] moved.append( { "submission": new_slot.submission, "old_start": old_slot.local_start, "new_start": new_slot.local_start, "old_room":, "new_room":, "new_info":, "new_slot": new_slot, } ) return new, canceled, moved @cached_property def changes(self) -> dict: """Returns a dictionary of changes when compared to the previous version. The ``action`` field is either ``create`` or ``update``. If it's an update, the ``count`` integer, and the ``new_talks``, ``canceled_talks`` and ``moved_talks`` lists are also present. """ result = { "count": 0, "action": "update", "new_talks": [], "canceled_talks": [], "moved_talks": [], } if not self.previous_schedule: result["action"] = "create" return result Slot = namedtuple("Slot", ["submission", "room", "local_start"]) old_slots = { Slot(slot.submission,, slot.local_start): slot for slot in self.previous_schedule.scheduled_talks } new_slots = { Slot(slot.submission,, slot.local_start): slot for slot in self.scheduled_talks } old_slot_set = set(old_slots.keys()) new_slot_set = set(new_slots.keys()) old_submissions = {slot.submission for slot in old_slots} new_submissions = {slot.submission for slot in new_slots} handled_submissions = set() new_by_submission = defaultdict(list) old_by_submission = defaultdict(list) for slot in new_slot_set: new_by_submission[slot.submission].append(new_slots[slot]) for slot in old_slot_set: old_by_submission[slot.submission].append(old_slots[slot]) moved_or_missing = old_slot_set - new_slot_set - {None} moved_or_new = new_slot_set - old_slot_set - {None} for entry in moved_or_missing: if entry.submission in handled_submissions or not entry.submission: continue if entry.submission not in new_submissions: result["canceled_talks"] += old_by_submission[entry.submission] else: new, canceled, moved = self._handle_submission_move( entry.submission, old_slots, new_slots ) result["new_talks"] += new result["canceled_talks"] += canceled result["moved_talks"] += moved handled_submissions.add(entry.submission) for entry in moved_or_new: if entry.submission in handled_submissions: continue if entry.submission not in old_submissions: result["new_talks"] += new_by_submission[entry.submission] else: new, canceled, moved = self._handle_submission_move( entry.submission, old_slots, new_slots ) result["new_talks"] += new result["canceled_talks"] += canceled result["moved_talks"] += moved handled_submissions.add(entry.submission) result["count"] = ( len(result["new_talks"]) + len(result["canceled_talks"]) + len(result["moved_talks"]) ) return result @cached_property def use_room_availabilities(self): from pretalx.schedule.models import Availability return Availability.objects.filter(room__isnull=False, event=self.event).exists def get_talk_warnings( self, talk, with_speakers=True, room_avails=None, speaker_avails=None, speaker_profiles=None, ) -> list: """A list of warnings that apply to this slot. Warnings are dictionaries with a ``type`` (``room`` or ``speaker``, for now) and a ``message`` fit for public display. This property only shows availability based warnings. """ from pretalx.schedule.models import Availability, TalkSlot if not talk.start or not talk.submission or not return [] warnings = [] availability = talk.as_availability url = talk.submission.orga_urls.base if self.use_room_availabilities: if room_avails is None: room_avails = if room_avails and not any( room_availability.contains(availability) for room_availability in Availability.union(room_avails) ): warnings.append( { "type": "room", "message": str( _( "Room {room_name} is not available at the scheduled time." ) ).format( room_name=f"{phrases.base.quotation_open}{}{phrases.base.quotation_close}" ), "url": url, } ) overlaps = ( TalkSlot.objects.filter(schedule=self, .filter( models.Q(start__lt=talk.start, end__gt=talk.start) | models.Q(start__lt=talk.real_end, end__gt=talk.real_end) | models.Q(start__gt=talk.start, end__lt=talk.real_end) | models.Q(start=talk.start, end=talk.real_end) ) .exclude( .exists() ) if overlaps: warnings.append( { "type": "room_overlap", "message": _( "Another session in the same room overlaps with this one." ), "url": url, } ) for speaker in talk.submission.speakers.all(): if with_speakers: if speaker_profiles: profile = speaker_profiles.get(speaker) else: profile = speaker.event_profile(self.event) if profile and speaker_avails is not None: profile_availabilities = speaker_avails.get( else: profile_availabilities = ( list(profile.availabilities.all()) if profile else [] ) if profile_availabilities and not any( speaker_availability.contains(availability) for speaker_availability in Availability.union( profile_availabilities ) ): warnings.append( { "type": "speaker", "speaker": { "name": speaker.get_display_name(), "code": speaker.code, }, "message": str( _("{speaker} is not available at the scheduled time.") ).format(speaker=speaker.get_display_name()), "url": url, } ) overlaps = ( TalkSlot.objects.filter( schedule=self, submission__speakers__in=[speaker] ) .exclude( .filter( models.Q(start__lt=talk.start, end__gt=talk.start) | models.Q(start__lt=talk.real_end, end__gt=talk.real_end) | models.Q(start__gt=talk.start, end__lt=talk.real_end) | models.Q(start=talk.start, end=talk.real_end) ) .exists() ) if overlaps: warnings.append( { "type": "speaker", "speaker": { "name": speaker.get_display_name(), "code": speaker.code, }, "message": str( _( "{speaker} is scheduled for another session at the same time." ) ).format(speaker=speaker.get_display_name()), "url": url, } ) return warnings def get_all_talk_warnings(self, ids=None, filter_updated=None): talks = ( self.talks.filter( submission__isnull=False, start__isnull=False, room__isnull=False ) .select_related( "submission", "room", "submission__event", "schedule__event", ) .prefetch_related("submission__speakers") ) if filter_updated: talks = talks.filter(updated__gte=filter_updated) with_speakers = self.event.cfp.request_availabilities room_avails = defaultdict( list, { room.availabilities.all() for room in self.event.rooms.all().prefetch_related("availabilities") }, ) speaker_avails = None speaker_profiles = None if with_speakers: from pretalx.person.models import SpeakerProfile speaker_profiles = { profile.user: profile for profile in SpeakerProfile.objects.filter( event=self.event ).select_related("user") } speaker_avails = defaultdict( list, { profile.availabilities.all() for profile in SpeakerProfile.objects.filter( event=self.event ).prefetch_related("availabilities") }, ) result = {} for talk in talks: talk_warnings = self.get_talk_warnings( talk=talk, with_speakers=with_speakers, room_avails=room_avails.get(talk.room_id) if talk.room_id else None, speaker_avails=speaker_avails, speaker_profiles=speaker_profiles, ) if talk_warnings: result[talk] = talk_warnings return result @cached_property def warnings(self) -> dict: """A dictionary of warnings to be acknowledged before a release. ``talk_warnings`` contains a list of talk-related warnings. ``unscheduled`` is the list of talks without a scheduled slot, ``unconfirmed`` is the list of submissions that will not be visible due to their unconfirmed status, and ``no_track`` are submissions without a track in a conference that uses tracks. """ from pretalx.submission.models import SubmissionStates talks = self.talks.filter(submission__isnull=False) warnings = { "talk_warnings": [ {"talk": key, "warnings": value} for key, value in self.get_all_talk_warnings().items() ], "unscheduled": talks.filter(start__isnull=True).count(), "unconfirmed": talks.exclude( submission__state=SubmissionStates.CONFIRMED ).count(), "no_track": [], } if self.event.get_feature_flag("use_tracks"): warnings["no_track"] = talks.filter(submission__track_id__isnull=True) return warnings @cached_property def speakers_concerned(self): """Returns a dictionary of speakers with their new and changed talks in this schedule. Each speaker is assigned a dictionary with ``create`` and ``update`` fields, each containing a list of submissions. """ result = {} if self.changes["action"] == "create": from pretalx.person.models import User for speaker in User.objects.filter(submissions__slots__schedule=self): talks = self.talks.filter( submission__speakers=speaker, room__isnull=False, start__isnull=False, ) if talks: result[speaker] = {"create": talks, "update": []} return result if self.changes["count"] == len(self.changes["canceled_talks"]): return result speakers = defaultdict(lambda: {"create": [], "update": []}) for new_talk in self.changes["new_talks"]: for speaker in new_talk.submission.speakers.all(): speakers[speaker]["create"].append(new_talk) for moved_talk in self.changes["moved_talks"]: for speaker in moved_talk["submission"].speakers.all(): speakers[speaker]["update"].append(moved_talk) return speakers def generate_notifications(self, save=False): """A list of unsaved :class:`~pretalx.mail.models.QueuedMail` objects to be sent on schedule release.""" from pretalx.mail.models import MailTemplateRoles mails = [] for speaker, data in self.speakers_concerned.items(): locale = speaker.get_locale_for_event(self.event) notifications = render_notifications( data, event=self.event, speaker=speaker ) slots = list(data.get("create") or []) + [ talk["new_slot"] for talk in (data.get("update") or []) ] submissions = [slot.submission for slot in slots] mails.append( self.event.get_mail_template(MailTemplateRoles.NEW_SCHEDULE).to_mail( user=speaker, event=self.event, context_kwargs={"user": speaker}, context={"notifications": notifications}, commit=save, locale=locale, submissions=submissions, attachments=[ { "name": f"{slot.frab_slug}.ics", "content": slot.full_ical().serialize(), "content_type": "text/calendar", } for slot in slots ], ) ) return mails generate_notifications.alters_data = True @cached_property def url_version(self): return quote(self.version) if self.version else "wip" @cached_property def is_archived(self): if not self.version: return False return self != self.event.current_schedule def build_data(self, all_talks=False, filter_updated=None, all_rooms=False): talks = self.talks.all() if not all_talks: talks = self.talks.filter(is_visible=True) if filter_updated: talks = talks.filter(updated__gte=filter_updated) talks = talks.select_related( "submission", "room", "submission__track", "submission__event", "submission__submission_type", ).prefetch_related("submission__speakers") talks = talks.order_by("start") rooms = set() if not all_rooms else set(self.event.rooms.all()) tracks = set() speakers = set() result = { "talks": [], "version": self.version, "timezone": self.event.timezone, "event_start": self.event.date_from.isoformat(), "event_end": self.event.date_to.isoformat(), } show_do_not_record = self.event.cfp.request_do_not_record for talk in talks: rooms.add( if talk.submission: tracks.add(talk.submission.track) speakers |= set(talk.submission.speakers.all()) result["talks"].append( { "code": talk.submission.code if talk.submission else None, "id":, "title": ( talk.submission.title if talk.submission else talk.description ), "abstract": ( talk.submission.abstract if talk.submission else None ), "speakers": ( [speaker.code for speaker in talk.submission.speakers.all()] if talk.submission else None ), "track": talk.submission.track_id if talk.submission else None, "start": talk.local_start, "end": talk.local_end, "room": talk.room_id, "duration": talk.submission.get_duration(), "updated": talk.updated.isoformat(), "state": talk.submission.state if all_talks else None, "do_not_record": ( talk.submission.do_not_record if show_do_not_record else None ), } ) else: result["talks"].append( { "id":, "title": talk.description, "start": talk.start, "end": talk.local_end, "room": talk.room_id, } ) tracks.discard(None) tracks = sorted(tracks, key=lambda track: track.position or 0) result["tracks"] = [ { "id":, "name":, "description": track.description, "color": track.color, } for track in tracks ] result["rooms"] = [ { "id":, "name":, "description": room.description, } for room in self.event.rooms.all() if room in rooms ] include_avatar = self.event.cfp.request_avatar result["speakers"] = [ { "code": user.code, "name":, "avatar": ( user.get_avatar_url(event=self.event) if include_avatar else None ), "avatar_thumbnail_default": ( user.get_avatar_url(event=self.event, thumbnail="default") if include_avatar else None ), "avatar_thumbnail_tiny": ( user.get_avatar_url(event=self.event, thumbnail="tiny") if include_avatar else None ), } for user in speakers ] return result def __str__(self) -> str: """Help when debugging.""" return f"Schedule(event={self.event.slug}, version={self.version})"